Mocha export BCC into Adobe Premiere BCC FX


I am trying to export tracking data from Mocha (plugin for Adobe) to use with the Boris FX Lens Flare 3D on a clip within Adobe Premiere. I have tried exporting the tracking data as a Boris FX BCC Center Point data and it still doesn’t track from within Premiere. All works well with After Effects, either through Mocha (plugin) or the AE Mocha bundled with After Effects. Am I missing a step within Premiere?

Thank you so very much for any help is appreciated.

How are you loading the data into the lens flare? Are you using a lens flare with the ability to import tracking data? Make sure that you are and then find the import section of the BCC tool. It may be that you are not importing the data into the right section of the BCC flare.


I a man importing it into the motion tracker section of the Lens Flare 3D. Loading external data.