Mocha Pro: Insert Module

June 10, 2014

The Insert Module is used to render match moves, product and screen
replacements directly in Mocha Pro. Inserts can be rendered with motion
blur, mesh warp distortion or 3D offset tracking. Mocha Pro 5’s Insert
Module allows you to render an image onto your tracked surface within Mocha
Pro or back to your host in the new plug-in option. Powerful mesh warp
distortion allows the user to “wrap” or bend inserts to simulate non flat
surfaces. Insert Module Features:

  • Render Inserts with realistic motion blur
  • Mesh Warp Tool: Distort an image along with grid splines
  • Stereoscopic 3D Inserts: View and render your surface tool in 3D
  • Lens Distortion: inserts inherits lens data from the Lens Module
  • 3D Offsets for position, rotation and offset graphics.