Fixing Motor Matte Artifacts in AE

Is this issue already fixed?

I am currently rotoscoping a waving antenna with motionblur and stuff (hureay!)

I am still having artifacts and i studied the spline very carefully for overlapping points but still having a jagged line in after effects.

Somebody knows a solution?

Ross, do you want me to send over the file?

Thanks in advance and kind regards, Giso

Is this issue already fixed?
I am currently rotoscoping a waving antenna with motionblur and stuff (hureay!)
I am still having artifacts and i studied the spline very carefully for overlapping points but still having a jagged line in after effects.
Somebody knows a solution?
Ross, do you want me to send over the file?
Thanks in advance and kind regards, Giso

Hi Ross,

thanks for the quick reply!

Mocha4Ae about panel says:
Version 2.1.0 build 1959
Build Date Nov 2 2009

Mocha Shape says:

Does this clarify something?


Hi Ross,
thanks for the quick reply!
Mocha4Ae about panel says:
Version 2.1.0 build 1959
Build Date Nov 2 2009
Mocha Shape says:
Does this clarify something?

Hi Guys,

Here are some examples of what causes the artefacts. In the image with the artefacts, you can see the the spline crosses back over itself. No matter how small the crossing is, it will always cause the artefact.


Hi Marco,

I’m sorry this is causing such a big problem for you. There are almost certainly overlapping points at the tip of that long thin spline section that are causing the artefact. I do accept that it’s a thin line between close and overlapping on small shapes like this.

I’m going to raise this issue at our next scheduling meeting to see if we can put some time into developing a solution.

Best regards,


We discussed this problem in the scheduling meeting today, and it’s now scheduled for a fix in mocha/motor 2.0, which will be coming out later in the year.

Sorry we don’t have a quicker fix, but we will definitely be addressing this issue.


Hi Ross could you elaborate a little more on the issue with a shape intersecting points on the same shape? I’m confused on what that exactly means?

Thanks I’m experiencing the jaggies too.

Thanks for the explanation!


Intresting research their macro. I hope this issue is better resolved I don’t have shake to exort to :).

If a matte in Motor is really small, really thin, or has really sharp points, there tends to be a problem with artifacts appearing when you render them out.

In the current production that I’m in, we are rendering mattes out of Motor 1.2.3 and are using them as track mattes in After Effects CS3. When the artifacts appear, we have a few ways of clearing them up.

The first way is to apply Effects > Channel > Minimax to the imported Motor Matte. Set the operation to Minimum and adjust the amount until it clears away the artifacts, usually 1 and at the most a value of 2. This works well, but at the same time can end up making your matte a little too thin. You can try applying Minimax again and setting the operator to Maximum and making the value equal the Minimum operation above it.

Another way is to apply a Fast Blur to your matte, setting the value to about 3 or 4 pixels, or until the artifacts blur into your shape. Then, apply a Levels filter and drag the Black point and White point close together in order to solidify the blur. This makes the blurred edges smooth and artifact-free. Adjust the gamma and the black and white points in the Levels filter to your liking. Leaving them spaced a bit apart “anti-aliases” the matte edge; if they are crushed directly together, the edges will become jagged.

Has anyone else run into the matte artifacts?


Sorry, forgot to show the picture of the matte vertices. They don’t seem to be overlapping, nor do they cross over each other during the course of the animation.

I don’t know if the relative scale of the mattes matter in relation to the size of the source video, but we are working with 1080p footage. The smaller the mattes, the more prone they are to generating artifacts.

Here’s an example of one type of artifact we are running into.

I made a matte in Motor, tracked it, then went back and tweaked the tracked shape to fit the forehead folds of the actor. None of the verts or edges cross over one another, but are pretty close to each other for the sake of the final shape I’m trying to get.

The motormatte.png is a screenshot of one frame of the matte rendered out at Animation 100. These artifacts appear no matter if we export image sequences or movie files. They are erratic and pop up on random frames.

Apart from the previous fixes that I mentioned, we’ve actually resorted to exporting Motor mattes out as Shake .ssf files, importing those into Silhouette, then exporting Silhouette shapes out of Silhouette and importing those as masks into After Effects. The matte_fixed.png is the result of doing this process in AE, effectively removing any issue with artifacting.

We aren’t actually using Shake, we are just exporting the shape data out as Shake .ssf files. We are then importing the .ssf files into SilhouetteFX’s Silhouette application.

Once the matte is in Silhouette, we export Silhouette .fxs matte shapes out of that. We have a free plug-in that imports Silhouette .fxs files into After Effects as mask paths; they just get applied to a Solid, and you have a perfectly shaped mask.

Silhouette has a free 30-day trial program, so you can get that for a temporary artifact solution.

Sorry, forgot to show the picture of the matte vertices. They don’t seem to be overlapping, nor do they cross over each other during the course of the animation.

I don’t know if the relative scale of the mattes matter in relation to the size of the source video, but we are working with 1080p footage. The smaller the mattes, the more prone they are to generating artifacts.

EDIT: Deleted last post since the image was obnoxiously large.

We have confirmed a bug that causes artifacts.
The issue is if you have a shape with intersecting points on the same shape… I have talked to numerous customers that didn’t think they had intersecting points but when examined - it was discovered that either the pints or the edge points were overlapping themselves causing render artifacts. Obviously not a fix, but if you do discover artifacts, it is usually solvable by editing and avoiding overlapping points on the same shape.

If anyone can send us project examples that reproduce artifacts on shapes that do not overlap, that would be useful for development purposes.


—Quote (Originally by Marconius)—
If a matte in Motor is really small, really thin, or has really sharp points, there tends to be a problem with artifacts appearing when you render them out.

In the current production that I’m in, we are rendering mattes out of Motor 1.2.3 and are using them as track mattes in After Effects CS3. When the artifacts appear, we have a few ways of clearing them up.

The first way is to apply Effects > Channel > Minimax to the imported Motor Matte. Set the operation to Minimum and adjust the amount until it clears away the artifacts, usually 1 and at the most a value of 2. This works well, but at the same time can end up making your matte a little too thin. You can try applying Minimax again and setting the operator to Maximum and making the value equal the Minimum operation above it.

Another way is to apply a Fast Blur to your matte, setting the value to about 3 or 4 pixels, or until the artifacts blur into your shape. Then, apply a Levels filter and drag the Black point and White point close together in order to solidify the blur. This makes the blurred edges smooth and artifact-free. Adjust the gamma and the black and white points in the Levels filter to your liking. Leaving them spaced a bit apart “anti-aliases” the matte edge; if they are crushed directly together, the edges will become jagged.

Has anyone else run into the matte artifacts?

—End Quote—

What version of software are you running? I believe all the remaining artifact issues where all fixed a while ago.

Sure - send me a project.



What version of software are you running? I believe all the remaining artifact issues where all fixed a while ago.
Sure - send me a project.