MochaBlend C4D - Intro Video

February 7, 2016

MochaBlendC4Dis the exciting new plug-in for Maxon Cinema 4D that convertsMocha’s2D planar tracking into 3D motion. This new tool delivers innovative new ways for 3D artists to work with tracking & roto data.

  • Single Plane Solver:Solve camera &objects, perspective tracks & non-perspective tracks.
  • MochaBlend C4Dconverts roto-splines fromMochainto animated geometry with depth that can interact with both physics and simulations inside 3D animation programs.
  • MochaBlend C4DimportsMocha’scamera-solve data, more easily, and with more options.
  • AE Exporter:Includes MochaBlend Exporter for Adobe AfterEffects. Export animated masks from AE to C4D!

Notes: MochaBlend supports C4D versions R14 and above. Mocha Blend supports Adobe bundled Mocha AEfor 2D track import, but requires either Mocha Pro or Mocha Plus v4.1 for Mocha’s mask support and 3D Camera Solve support. For more information and purchase options.